Sound Telecom, a leading call center, released an article titled “The Journey of a Call Transfer.” In it, Brian Gabriel expounds on three different kinds of call transfers. He explains how choosing the type of transfer that is best cannot be reduced to a blanket solution. A person should choose a form of transfer based on business’ needs and priorities: speed or efficiency.
The three types of call transfers discussed are blind transfers, warm transfers, and message relay. According to the article, these are the most important aspects to consider when choosing a type of transfer: cost, efficiency, effectiveness, brand, and customer service orientation.
A blind transfer is when a receptionist receives a phone call and simply transfers the call to the correct location, without prompting the receiver. A warm transfer happens when the receptionist receives the call and asks for information such as the caller’s name and reason for the call to announce it upon transferring. The message relay is when calls are answered by an agent who records the information and then relays it to the intended receiver. Gabriel explains the benefits and limitations of each and makes it easy for a business owner to decide which option is most suitable for their company.
When asked about the motivation for writing this article, Gabriel said, “I wanted to help business owners understand the possibilities offered by simple call transfer. Transfers sound so easy ‘on paper,’ but there are many ramifications to consider- especially when you want to build a consistent support program.”