Sponsors of AnswerStat are invited to submit an annual guest editorial in the issue following their Vendor Spotlight. These guidelines are to help invited authors submit a compelling and interesting editorial.
General Guidelines: The editorial should be relevant to the healthcare contact center industry. It can be an opinion, a commentary, an observation, or a prediction. Avoid self-promotion and marketing pitches.
The ideal length is 500 to 1200 words.
Include a brief author bio, which may contain a link and/or contact information.
Editing: Submissions will be edited for style, grammar, organization, syntax, and clarity. Additional text could be added. This is at the sole discretion of AnswerStat and should not be taken personally. It is a reality of publishing. When editing, we will act in good faith to preserve your intended message; it is not practical to notify authors of edits.
Website: Your editorial will be added to the AnswerStat website.
Submission: Submit your editorial via email, attached as a Microsoft Word document.
Deadlines: Refer to our submission deadlines for the latest that it can be submitted. However, sooner is better.
Editorial Policy: Authors who submit content to AnswerStat agree to the following:
- Edits will be made at the discretion of AnswerStat regarding length, style, grammar, organization, syntax, and clarity.
- Publication is at the sole discretion of AnswerStat.
- By submitting your work, you grant AnswerStat full, yet non-exclusive, rights to publish your submission in any printed and/or electronic form both now and in the future.
- Acceptance of these terms is a precondition of publication by AnswerStat.
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