AnswerStat Press Release Submission Guidelines

Submit Press Releases and News to AnswerStat, the information hub for healthcare contact center news and resources

AnswerStat welcomes all announcements and press releases which are of potential interest to our readers. Follow these instructions to write your press release for maximum impact and to have the greatest chance of being accepted for publication.

General Guidelines: For your press release, follow the adage that “less is more.” Submissions should be 350 words or less.

Headline: The headline should read like a news headline: concise, catchy, and factual – not self-congratulatory or boastful.

Text: The copy should read like a news article, written in the third person. Self-promotion or marketing content is not taken seriously by readers. Do not capitalize text nor use bold, italic, or underline formatting.

Editing: Press releases will be edited for both content and length, as needed, to meet these goals and obtain maximum interest; this is at the sole discretion of AnswerStat. Not all submissions will be used.

Vendor Press Releases: Submissions will be judged on content and reader interest, irrespective of the vendor’s advertising commitment. It is, however, pragmatic to note that AnswerStat advertisers advertise because readers respond. It follows that readers will be most interested in news from those same vendors.

Promotion: If accepted, your press releases will be posted in our newsfeed and promoted via email to our readers.

Submission: All press releases must be submitted via email and attached as a Microsoft Word document.