New Book Guides Nurses in Growing Practice of Telephone Triage

Carol Rutenberg, RN-BC, C-TNP, MNSc and M. Elizabeth Greenberg, RN-BC, C-TNP, PhD, have just written a book many nurses will want to keep close by their side. The Art and Science of Telephone Triage: How to Practice Nursing Over the Phone delves into a topic that has scarcely been outlined in detail before in a textbook.

According to the forward by Suzanne Wells, MSN, RN, president of the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing (AAACN), which endorsed the book, it’s been almost 20 years since a book on the topic has been written.

The book outlines the evolution of telephone triage and presents clinical issues, program design, quality and risk management topics, and real-life examples. The text is designed for anyone who provides nursing care over the phone as well as ambulatory care nurses, nurse leaders, managers and administrators, physicians, front-line staff nurses, and anyone interested in the design or practice of this challenging form of patient care.