The October/November 2017 Issue of AnswerStat

Read the October/November issue of AnswerStat, the information hub for healthcare contact centers.

Feature Content:

Video-Based Doctor Visits, by Mark DwyerVideo-based doctor visits have received renewed interest to address the shortages of primary care physicians nationwide; providing insurance to uninsured individuals was seen by many as a vital component of ACA; and the demand for healthcare has further increased due to our aging population, along with a declining supply of primary care physicians. What does this have to do with call centers? …read more >>

Vital Signs: It’s Hard to Plan When You Don’t Know What to Expect by Peter L DeHaan, PhD
Regardless of what you think about the Affordable Care Act (ACA), the fact that it’s future remains in limbo means that planning in the healthcare industry is challenging at best. …read more >>

Vendor Spotlight on TeamHealth Medical Call Center
The Need For Call Center Solutions Has Never Been Greater
TeamHealth Medical Call Center embraces partnerships with clients to provide individual service offerings, with measurable results, and develop long-term relationships. They seek to meet the needs of the changing healthcare industry while making the patient experience their primary focus. …read more >>

Guest Column: Why is Your Contact Center Essential to Your Organization? by Richard Stier
You are your health network’s senior leader for access with direct responsibility for the contact center. Your CEO asks. “We’re taking a hard look at the budget. Can you help me understand if, or why, the call center is vital to us? How would you respond? Three key criteria provide…read more >>

How Contact Centers Impact Patient Experience, by Donna Martin
As hospitals and healthcare organizations compete to gain and retain patients’ business, first impressions are critical. That’s why a modernized patient contact center is critical to differentiate your organization from the competition and prevent revenue leakage. …read more >>

Translation and Health Literacy In Telemedicine, by David Thompson, MD
“Fever” may sound different in other languages, but it means the same thing. Whether a patient says fever, fiebre, or fièvre, it’s the telehealth provider’s job to deliver the correct diagnosis and treatment. Language differences can add complexity to an already confusing situation for patients. Fortunately, healthcare professionals can…read more >>

Ten years ago: Email Protocol for the Call Center, by Dr. Julie Miller
Email has become the biggest productivity drain in businesses today. Getting a handle on this daily data dump by establishing procedures—email etiquette, if you will—will make you and your call center stand above the crowd. …read more >>

Industry News:

LVM - Healthcare Contact Centers

Startel first impressions are everything

Keona Health

Send us your healthcare call center news and articles for consideration in the next issue of AnswerStat.

About AnswerStat
AnswerStat is the information hub for healthcare contact center news and resources, published specifically for hospital and medical contact centers and distributed free to qualified readers, decision-makers, and influencers at hospitals and healthcare contact centers worldwide.

Contact us for more information.

About AnswerStat
AnswerStat is the information hub for healthcare contact center news and resources, published specifically for hospital and medical contact centers and distributed free to qualified readers, decision makers, and influencers at hospitals and healthcare contact centers worldwide.

Contact us for more information.