The October/November 2016 Issue of AnswerStat

Read the October/November issue of the new AnswerStat, the information hub for healthcare contact centers.

Feature Content:

Telehealth Nursing Practice, by Traci Haynes, MSN, RN, BA, CEN
Health advice has been telephonically dispensed since the advent of the telephone. An often-told story identifies the first telehealth interaction occurring when Alexander Graham Bell placed a call to Mr. Watson, his assistant, requesting Watson to come help him with an injury to his hand. Today, in our ever-changing healthcare environment… (read more)

Capitalize on Small Wins, by Peter L DeHaan, PhD
I haven’t followed baseball much in recent years, but I still periodically check how my state’s Detroit Tigers are doing. This past Sunday, going into their final scheduled game of the regular season they still contended for one remaining wildcard slot… (read more)

Spotlight on Echo, a HealthStream Company
Yesterday’s call centers managed transactions. Exit the call center. Enter the patient experience contact center. Today’s patient experience contact centers serve as central communication hubs. They deliver intentionally memorable experiences that mitigate risk, solidify loyalty, and reduce unnecessary readmissions. Welcome the EchoAccess PX Hub… (read more)

Interoperability in the Call Center: A Natural Solution, by Matt Everly
The call center in a healthcare organization preforms a number of very important and very different functions. One of the most significant is serving as a virtual lobby, when processing internal and external calls. It may be the initial touchpoint a patient has with the organization, so the experience has to be positive. As the saying goes… (read more)

6 Essential Technology Tools for Today’s Medical Answering Service, by Aaron Boatin
The telephone is the most popular way for patients to contact their medical practice. Whether they are a current patient wanting to schedule an appointment, a potential patient looking for information, or someone with an emergency, the practice – and its answering service or call center – needs to be equipped to handle calls during and after business hours. The key is… (read more)

Ten years ago: Cheering for Your Team, by Ray Pelletier
At a Sunday afternoon professional football game, the stands are filled with enthusiastic fans cheering on their favorite team. These fans wake up Monday morning with scratchy throats and hoarse voices, still enthusiastic for their favorite team. Why don’t these people wake up feeling the same way on a Wednesday… (read more)

Industry News:

LVM - Healthcare Contact Centers

Startel first impressions are everything

Keona Health

Send us your healthcare call center news and articles for consideration in the next issue of AnswerStat.

About AnswerStat
AnswerStat is the information hub for healthcare contact center news and resources, published specifically for hospital and medical contact centers and distributed free to qualified readers, decision-makers, and influencers at hospitals and healthcare contact centers worldwide.

Contact us for more information.

About AnswerStat
AnswerStat is the information hub for healthcare contact center news and resources, published specifically for hospital and medical contact centers and distributed free to qualified readers, decision makers, and influencers at hospitals and healthcare contact centers worldwide.

Contact us for more information.Save