Read the June/July issue of AnswerStat, the information hub for healthcare contact centers.
Feature Content:
Use a Customized Follow-Up Plan to Reduce Hospital Readmissions, by Dr. Ravi Raheja
When patients get discharged after a hospital visit, it can be difficult for them to follow or remember discharge instructions. This can lead to higher readmission rates, longer recovery times, and overall lower quality of patient satisfaction. But did you know… read more >>
Vital Signs: Is Your Contact Center Effective? by Peter L DeHaan, PhD
It doesn’t matter if a call is answered in a modern contact center staffed with a team of trained professionals or by one weary person in a single-phone department. In both cases patients and callers evaluate their phone interactions in the same way, and they expect… read more >>
Vendor Spotlight on 1Call, a Division of Amtelco: Over Forty Years of Innovation
Since 1976, Amtelco has provided innovative communication solutions to call centers around the world. In 1997, the 1Call Division was formed to offer enterprise-wide communication solutions designed specifically for healthcare organizations. 1Call is dedicated to serving the unique call center and communication needs of healthcare organizations… read more >>
Using Telehealth Data to Improve Patient Care by David Thompson, MD
Understanding what drives patients to seek treatment can help you educate and prepare staff, which improves the patient experience. While you may have a gut instinct as to your patient’s chief complaints, have you ever crunched the numbers? Health Navigator explored approximately 20,000 medical call center patient interactions to identify… read more >>
Guest Column: Using Mobile Apps to Engage Patients
By Ravi Raheja, MD
Telehealth and mobile applications are changing the way healthcare is delivered. A recent Pew Research study found that about 77 percent of Americans own a smartphone. Smartphone users spend about 1.8 hours every day on their devices, and 89 percent of that mobile media time is on an app. read more >>
Ten years ago: Leading the “People Side” of Change, by Mary Naylor
Some years ago, I was involved with an organization that acquired a high-tech call reporting system. The system spewed data like lava from a volcano. The IT folks loved it, while the managers scratched their heads trying to make sense of all the numbers, trends, and forecasts. All of this data was supposed to…. read more >>
Industry News:
- MiSecureMessages Adds Functionality with v6.5
- Startel Taps Derek Borz as New Eastern Regional Healthcare Sales Manager
- Amtelco Genesis and Soft Agent Successfully Complete Compliance Testing
- Marketplace Directory: AnswerStat Directory of leading Healthcare Contact Center Vendors:
Send us your healthcare call center news and articles for consideration in the next issue of AnswerStat.
About AnswerStat
AnswerStat is the information hub for healthcare contact center news and resources, published specifically for hospital and medical contact centers and distributed free to qualified readers, decision-makers, and influencers at hospitals and healthcare contact centers worldwide.
Contact us for more information.
About AnswerStat
AnswerStat is the information hub for healthcare contact center news and resources, published specifically for hospital and medical contact centers and distributed free to qualified readers, decision makers, and influencers at hospitals and healthcare contact centers worldwide.
Contact us for more information.