Contact the following vendors for more information about physician referral software for your call center.
1Call, A Division of Amtelco
800 Curtin Dr
McFarland, WI 53558
Matt Everly, Marketing Manager
1Call’s physician referral application can be customized to allow referrals on any criteria. The template script includes search on specialty, including a primary care physician or a specialist. It can even be used to locate a physician for a particular procedure or one with board certification. Additionally, physicians can be referred based on proximity to a particular clinic or hospital. The caller requirement criterion includes gender and insurance accepted, along with special accessibility and language needs. In addition, 1Call’s physician referral application includes physician-to-physician referrals and patient-to-physician referrals.
Echo, A HealthStream Company
17085 Camino San Bernardo
San Diego, CA 92127
Rick Stier, Vice President
800-733-8737 x7265
EchoAccess™ is a fully web-enabled solution to manage physician referrals, class enrollment, and event registration, both by phone and on your website. It can document return-on-investment (ROI) from physician-to-physician referral and physician liaison solutions. Use it to end the duplication of physician data and reduce costs with their master provider database that integrates physician information from medical staff office, contact center, and web site.
LVM Systems, Inc.
4262 E Florian Ave
Mesa, AZ 85206
Robert Cluff, Vice President, Sales
480-633-8200 x223
LVM’s E-Centaurus software package includes a physician referral module; it is one component of their Marketing and Referral call center solution. E-Centaurus matches consumer preferences and health plan mandates with the physicians database to drive the referral or appointment-scheduling process. The software has 47 standard and 10 user-defined selection criteria upon which to match. Features include safe harbor tracking, ability to designate attributes as “Exact Match Only,” and the “Can’t Fill” function for tracking criteria combinations which cannot be satisfied by the physician database. The physician appointment feature supports appointment-setting at the time of the call.
[From the June/July 2006 issue of AnswerStat magazine]