Through AAACN’s affiliation with the National Council State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) Nurse Licensure Compact Coalition, members Kathleen Damian, RN, and Tami Regan, RN, CHT, testified at the Massachusetts State House on October 29 in favor of the Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC). Representatives from the Massachusetts Hospital Association, Lahey Hospital and Medical Center, Cambride Health Alliance, and Organization of Nurse Leaders (MA and RI) also gave strong and compelling testimony in favor of the compact. The National Military Families Association sent a letter to each member of the Joint Committee supporting the NLC legislation. Opposing testimony came from the President of the Massachusetts Nurses Association.
Kathleen said, “It was a wonderful opportunity to educate our legislators about the actual nuts and bolts of caring for patients telephonically and the Massachusetts regulation governing nursing practice using telecommunications technology.”
A vote was not taken at the hearing. Next steps for the legislation will be announced in the future. AAACN has urged our MA telehealth nurse members to contact members of the Joint Committee on Public Health to tell them why the NLC legislation is important to them.
[Courtesy of AAACN’s Viewpoint Newsletter, Nov/Dec 2013.]