Sykes Assistance Services Corporation (SASC), one of the top nurse telephone triage providers in the world, has partnered with Clinical Solutions to support its high-volume clinical contact centers. Since going live with Clinical Solutions’ IntefleCS Medical Contact Center software in November at its New Brunswick-based center, one of the company’s six telehealth contact centers, managers say they are now getting a better picture of what is truly happening with their staff and calls. “The system provides very good analytics so we have a better picture of what we are doing and we know more about what is going on with each call,” said Jim Murphy, SASC’s vice president of healthcare strategy and business development.
As one of the busiest telehealth centers in North America, SASC is a full service Telehealth service provider that manages tele-care and self-care programs on behalf of clients in both the private and public sectors. More than 300 registered nurses and counselors support callers twenty-four hours, seven days a week and support a population of an estimated 18 million people.
“Sykes chose the Inteflecs medical contact center solution to not only meet their needs today, but as a platform for future growth that will enable them to expand the number of services and value they bring to their existing customers,” noted Darin Southard, general manager for Clinical Solutions. Clinical Solutions supports the contact center team with its electronic nursing triage and clinical decision support application.