Startel Corporation’s Secure Messaging Plus (SM+) is the latest addition to the company’s messaging services. SM+ offers several new and enhanced features to improve productivity, security, and the user experience.
Accessible from the Web or as a smartphone or tablet app, SM+ makes it easy for organizations to exchange sensitive information in a HIPAA-compliant manner. All message content and attachments sent and received on smartphones or tablets using SM+ are encrypted. In addition, messages cannot be forwarded, copied, saved, or printed, preventing sensitive information from being passed on to individuals who should not have access to it. Key features of this release include expiring messages, attachment support, remote wipe capability, encrypted messages, and easy admin management.
“We at Startel are thrilled to deliver a secure texting solution to the healthcare marketplace that can be used in conjunction with Startel’s multi-channel contact center platform, or independently,” said Bill Lane, president and CEO of Startel. “With the rise of texting in the workplace, particularly among the healthcare community, and the increased concern for ensuring the security of EMR/EHR and protected health information, the need for a secure text messaging solution is greater than ever.”