1Call announced a better method for delivering critical messages with 1Call’s two-way SMS text messaging capabilities. As the need to send text messages to cell phones continues to increase, the speed and reliability of SMS is a necessity. SMS delivers convenience by allowing physicians and staff to receive SMS text messages no matter where they are. Unlike standard text messages, which can be delayed, true SMS messages are delivered quickly and reliably.
Staff members receiving SMS messages from Infinity IS can easily reply to messages to confirm receipt, saving time for call centers, patients, and staff. When a reply is received, the message can be marked delivered or sent to an operator for review. All replies are documented in the message history.
“Two-way SMS is here and will save everyone time. This feature lets staff communicate instantly to the call center by text message to automate message receipt confirmation,” said Amtelco President Tom Curtin. “Everyone should get on board with text messaging and the two-way capabilities. Not knowing if staff has received the message has always been a black hole, and now it is solved.”
Contact 1Call at 800-356-9148 or info@1call.com.