LVM Systems Opens Users’ Conference to Industry


LVM Systems invites all healthcare call centers to their 2009 conference, Essential Pieces – Supporting Your Success.  It is Wednesday and Thursday, October 21-22 at the Scottsdale Plaza Resort in Arizona and offers an industry-centered agenda, with three concurrent tracks:

  • Clinical (with Continuing Education contact hours offered)
  • Marketing and strategy
  • Consulting

Headliners include Doctors Barton Schmitt and David Thompson, authors of the telephone triage protocols and self-care guides. 

They will present “Ten Pediatric Infections Not to Miss” and “Dangerous Pregnancy Symptoms,” as well as be available for clinical networking sessions and an informal Q & A.

The marketing and strategy keynote is Travis Froehlich, VP of planning for the Seton Family of Hospitals in Austin, Texas.  Froehlich has expanded Seton’s triage call center to an enterprise-wide hub for patient navigation, including disease management, transfers, and referral services. 

“Moving the Call Center to an Enterprise Role” is an essential session for vice presidents and managers with a grander vision for access management and optimizing patient connections.
More than 20 additional presentations will be made by call center managers and industry leaders.

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