LVM Offers Hosted Virtual Call Center Option

LVM Systems, a long time provider of installed call center software, now offers a fully hosted solution, Virtual Call Center.  Their E-Centaurus software is available for use via the Internet.  President Les Mortensen comments, “We’ve had this option in use by our own remote staff for nearly seven years.  The challenges of today’s healthcare environment create the perfect opportunity to offer it externally, as well.”

LVM’s sales directors are frequently hearing hospital managers say, “Our IT folks are so focused on the enterprise EMR launch, it is difficult to get their attention and support for other information systems.”  The Virtual Call Center is accessed via an Internet connection through Windows Terminal Server, bypassing the need for onsite server purchase and set-up.

LVM Systems logo

The other benefit is economical.  Many health systems have a freeze on capital expenditures, eliminating new licenses and hardware purchases, which would normally be capitalized.  LVM Systems offers an option to license the Virtual Call Center on a monthly payment plan, if needed, to avoid requesting capital dollars.  Therefore, software fees can be covered through the call center’s operational budget.